2007 was an incredible year as we made the leap from a promising idea to the real world with Tutor Amigos. We have so many accomplishments to celebrate from developing, launching and then relaunching our website to tutoring our first students and starting an online tutoring trial with the Boys & Girls club of Lawrence, MA. I am very thankful to all those whose time, interest and effort have helped us take these first steps. I also want to thank our students who, whether they realize it or not, are pioneers in education. Their curiosity and willingness to try something new has enabled us to blaze a trail that we aim to have many more students follow in 2008.
2008 is starting off with a bang. We are already busy moving forward with an exciting new initiative and..a wee bit of recognition.
Semi-finalist for the 2008 Echoing Green fellowship
First, I received word that Tutor Amigos has been selected as a semi-finalist for the 2008 Echoing Green fellowship among nearly 1,500 applicants.

The Tutor Amigos idea is simple: to connect over the internet, math tutors in Latin America with Latino students struggling in their transition to the North American math classroom. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. Latinos that need our service the most, are least likely to be able to obtain it due to low incomes and lack of access to a computer/broadband. Can this be overcome? I believe it can by partnering with nonprofits, schools and communities who serve Latino immigrants.
Do you know an organization that needs help? Contact me:
jonathan(at)tutoramigos.com and let's talk.
New initiative
Grant funding aside, my goal is to create a socially missioned, yet self sustaining organization. To this end, we have launched http://www.tutoramigos.es to offer our services in Spain. Spain is an attractive market in terms of computer/broadband penetration, a strong currency, a common language and a common need for academic support in Math as well as Science and English. I believe with our strong value proposition, we can make some waves across the Atlantic in Spain and create another current to ride as we continue to experiment and learn in 2008.
As always, questions and comments are welcome.
All the best,