I've found living abroad that I just skip most US only holidays. There always seems to be the regular hoopla over New Years, Christmas, Easter, where you can feel the festivities in the air here. Then there are all the Argentine holidays which seem to be every other week. So I give myself a break and skip the rest. But holidays that you equate with food, like the Fourth of July bbq and turkey for Thanksgiving are tough to shake. Even if that Fourth of July bbq is in the middle of the Argentine winter and this year's Thanksgiving day forecast is for 90 degrees.
To tell you the truth, if I am back home we typically forego the Turkey all together and go for a killer roast beef that my mom does with all the trimmings. But this year with the amount of cow I have consumed, I have to admit I have a hankering for a hunk of Turkey.
Turkey is not easy to find here. The only sliced deli turkey I have found was at Coto and Carrefour. And it was not cheap. Judging by the number of Thanksgiving dinner events being held in the city this year, Turkey looks to be top of mind for a lot of other estadounidense as well. So if you don't want to do it all yourself, here is a list of those that I've found or have heard rumors about, but have not been able to independently confirm:
*American Club
Thanksgiving Lunch
Expat Connection
El Estanciero
Báez 202
3:30pm - 6:30pm
Casa Bar
Rodriguez Peña and Santa Fe
3pm- 8pm
Av. Libertador 4625
Uruguay and Santa Fe
*rumor, not confirmed
Casa Bar
Rodriguez Peña and Santa Fe
3pm- 8pm
Av. Libertador 4625
Uruguay and Santa Fe
*rumor, not confirmed
Can you confirm any of these or add to the list? If not, where are you going to get your turkey fix from?