The Start-Ups Buenos Aires After Office is also proving to be a hit. We had a lot of new faces with the 70+ people who came.

It was great to see new business connections, new contacts and new friends form in front of my eyes. I'm especially excited to see we are getting more Argentines into the act. I didn't realize that networking like this is not a part of the Argentine culture. One Argentine actually asked me what he should do. I told him just to walk up to anyone, introduce yourself and then you are off to the races. Next thing I know, he was working the room like a pro! Great stuff.
We got a lot of nice feedback about the venue Carnal. As you can see the terrace with the Spring weather was phenomenal.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I have seen a report about a Cesar Salad that reared it's ugly head. Check out Gina's blog post about our event and this sighting. Please be warned about Cesar salads, not only at Carnal, but in BA in general.
December will be our last After Office for 2008. Join the Start-Ups Buenos Aires facebook group for announcements on the time and place or drop me an email and I'll add you to our mailing list.
You're hilarious Jonathan! Thanks for the comment! You know, it was really nice to see such a great turnout. You know what would be nice too? If we could have a short 1-2 minute introduction by you and Eric - or maybe a super consise white paper presentation on difficulties overcome by one of these business owners who attend.
I found that a lot of entrepreneurs here are looking to network not to create competition but to find solutions to their logistical problems and this group could potentially be a great resource for that.
I definitely agree. I'm also a member of Buenos Aires Expat Entrepreneurs run by Martin over at Expat Connection.
It's a members only support group for expat entrepreneurs which encourages exactly this type of sharing. I'd highly recommend you check them out if you haven't already.
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